Inspired by a higher power.
I believe that the key to my success is my faith, and my ability to leave my ego behind, and to accept my calling and know that all the answers that I need are within me.
Often leaders, want to credit their skills and abilities for any success, and will deny ‘divine inspiration’, because it cannot be explained easily, and it is not scientific or logical.
I look back over my career and I know that complex problems have been solved not through my genius, or intelligence, but by tapping into a frequency of belief that provides me with answers and a pathway to navigate complexity.
I have an all knowing of ‘what to do’. This does not come from all my many qualifications, but from ‘knowing’ that I am supported and guided from a higher source of energy.
Faith, is a belief in something not seen, and not touched and yet it is all encompassing.
In my darkest and happiest moments, I know that there is more to life. I know that there is an ability to expand my consciousness and become more evolved and complete.
And when you know this, you start to thirst for something beyond possibility, and beyond the norm.
It means we exist in the world, but dance in the spirit.