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Dr Clare Allen

Dr Clare Allen, is a renowned business leader and mentor.

About Dr Clare
Dr Business Administration
Masters of Business Leadership
Master of Metaphysical Science

Dr Clare, has held some significant CEO roles, and has spent most of her life studying and understanding people and organisational behaviour. She has won may prestigious
awards, for people, culture, leadership, company growth and innovation and has successfully coached hundreds of people in business and life. Clare, has written a number of books, with the sole purpose of helping people to unleash their 'full potential', and understand the universal principles of success. 

What are you known for?

“Clare has an inspiring story, about what you want to be known for"

Savvy & Kind


"Clare has a rare combination of being a a savvy businessperson who comes from a place of Integrity and kindness. She Is an amazing teacher who is willing to share her experiences, both good and bad, in order to smooth the path for others"

Go into your Core!

"Clare is highly recommended. She inspires you to go into your core and discover who you truly are".

Psychometric Accreditations

Dr Clare has spent decades studying people and organisational behaviours and whilst she has a Doctor of Business and Master of Metaphysics, and a Master of Business Leadership, she has also been studying personalities and organisational behaviour at a very deep level.

Telstra Business woman of the Year 

Dr Clare, has won the prestigious Telstra Business woman or the year Award 2007 in WA.


Clare has led an organisation from 2000 clients to 12000 clients and the organisation was one of the highest performers in the country, under her leadership.

Enterprising Woman Award

Winner, of the Chamber of Commerce Industry,

award. Top company growth.

Published inWho's Whoof Australian Women

Organisational Awards

Here are a few.:

*Winner, Outstanding Organisation, Community

Services, Hesta Awards

*Winner Organisational Excellence Community Ser-

vIces Award


Published inExtraordinary Women

Best Sellers

Dr Clare's Academy

neuro linguistic programming woman

Mindfulness alleviates stress and anxiety, fostering calmness through techniques like meditation. Start your journey to a peaceful life today!

Elegant Title

NLP enhances communication by exploring language's influence. 

Be The Exception

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